Upload and Add Watermark to Image using PHP

Upload and Add Watermark to Image using PHP

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to Upload and Add a Watermark to an Image Using PHP and MYSQL databases to store data. It protects original images and documents are pdf, word, excel ….etc. The imagecopy() function is using one image onto another image layer as a watermark is called the imagecopy() function. The Github repository is available in this tutorial source code. Also, check it out on youtube for a demo.

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Get Geolocation Country, Latitude, and Longitude from IP Address using PHP

Get Geolocation Country, Latitude, and Longitude from IP Address using PHP

In this tutorial, I’ll cover how to Get Geolocation Country, Latitude, and Longitude from IP Address using PHP. This example code will get free Geolocation IP from API to get latitude, and longitude, location, country, region, city, from IP address using PHP code and Follows YouTube tutorial(CodeAT21) and GitHub repository full source code Available.

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PHP Highlight Keywords in Search Results with MySQL

Hello to all, In this post, we will show you how to highlight matched words in Search Results with PHP and MySQL With an Example and Demo. This PHP code is searching multiple keywords highlighting search results. In this Highlight Keywords code title and description fetch from MySQL database. We are providing full source code via GitHub and live demo via youtube.

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Load Dynamic Data on Page Scroll using jquery AJAX in PHP MYSQL

In this article, I am going to tell you, how to automatically load more data when users scroll down web pages using jQuery, Ajax, PHP, and MySQL. The following infinite autoload data on page scroll script are page scroll Detect using jQuery and fetch all records from MySQL database using PHP without page refresh. In this post inside the complete full source code download from the Github repository and live demo.

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Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases: A Simplified Approach (Expert’s Voice in Web Development)

Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases: A Simplified Approach (Expert’s Voice in Web Development)

Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases is a project-oriented book that demystifies building interactive, database-driven websites. The focus is on getting you up and running as quickly as possible. In the first two chapters you will set up your development and testing environment, and then build your first PHP and MySQL database-driven website. You will then increase its sophistication, security, and functionality throughout the course of the book. The PHP required is taught in context within each project so you can quickly learn how PHP integrates with MySQL to create powerful database-driven websites.

Each project is fully illustrated, so you will see clearly what you are building as you create your own database-driven website. You will build a form for registering users, and then build an interface so that an administrator can view and administer the user database. You will create a message board for users and a method for emailing them. You will also learn the best practices for ensuring that your website databases are secure. Later chapters describe how to create a blog, a product catalog, and a simple e-commerce site. You will also discover how to migrate a database to a remote host. Because you are building the interactive pages yourself, you will know exactly how the MySQL and PHP work, and you will be able to add database interactivity to your own websites with ease.
What you’ll learn
Download and use a free development and test platform.
Create interactive database-driven websites.
Learn how to make website databases secure.
Create sophisticated projects, such as blogs and e-commerce sites.
Create user friendly and secure interfaces.
Migrate a site to a remote host.
Who this book is for
Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases is for web developers who wish to begin designing database-driven websites. The book is an excellent choice for people who have HTML and CSS skills but would also like to learn MySQL and PHP. For readers who have little or no knowledge of PHP, the book will teach enough PHP to complete all the projects in the book. Web developers who are ready to move beyond the basics or who have not kept up-to-date with their MySQL and PHP knowledge will also benefit from Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases. College and university I.T. teachers will find that Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases is an excellent set text, the projects would form a basis for students to adapt for their course work.
Table of Contents
Create and Test a MySQL Database and Table
Create Web Pages that Interact with Users
Setting Up Logins for Your Website Users
Creating an Administration Interface
Expanding and Enriching your Website
Security and Validation
Migrating to a Host and Backing Up Your Website Database
Creating a Product Catalog
Adding Multiple Tables and Other Enhancements
Creating a Message Board
E-commerce: A Brief Introduction
Troubleshooting Your Database-Driven Website
Appendix A: Resources

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PHP: 3 in 1- Essential Beginners Guide+ Tips and tricks+ Advanced Guide to Learn the Realms of PHP Programming

PHP: 3 in 1- Essential Beginners Guide+ Tips and tricks+ Advanced Guide to Learn the Realms of PHP Programming

PHP is one of the most important server-side web programming languages, and in combination with the database system MySQL and the database language SQL, an easy to learn, but also very powerful programming language to create dynamic websites.

With this book, you will learn how to create your own dynamic websites with PHP, starting with the basics using many practical examples. Makes a perfect gift idea for a computer scientist or programmer who is just starting to learn programming language.

This book can help propel you into the professional level in the field of the creation of dynamic websites by the language of PHP programming. In this first part, for beginners, you will discover:

The world of web development, the basics of the PHP programming language, the solid bases that will accompany you throughout your life PHP, the processing of information from users and some notions on the network, and much more!
Perfect for beginners.
Learn to program dynamic websites with PHP and SQL!

Get started now!

This book covers all the important topics you need to learn in PHP, including plenty of practical code examples to show you how everything works together. We cover all the major concepts and explain them in a no-nonsense, easy-to-learn manner.
Here’s what you will learn:
What PHP is and how to install it
Real-world examples
PHP constants, operators and variables
PHP Expressions, operators and statements, including the if, else, and if-else statements
PHP looping, including the while, for and do-while loops
Break and continue statements
PHP functions, including arguments and default values
PHP arrays, including looping through arrays and multi-dimensional arrays
PHP Superglobals
Object-oriented programming concepts
Classes, abstract classes, objects, inheritance and multiple inheritance
PHP and SQL database commands
And much more
Throughout the book, you will find examples, carefully chosen to show you how each concept works, along with the code output.
Don’t wait any longer; click Buy Now button and start reading the only advanced PHP book you will ever need.

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Laravel: Up & Running: A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps

Laravel: Up & Running: A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps

What sets Laravel apart from other PHP web frameworks? Speed and simplicity, for starters. This rapid application development framework and its ecosystem of tools let you quickly build new sites and applications with clean, readable code. Fully updated to cover Laravel 5.8, the second edition of this practical guide provides the definitive introduction to one of today’s mostpopular web frameworks.

Matt Stauffer, a leading teacher and developer in the Laravel community, delivers a high-level overview and concrete examples to help experienced PHP web developers get started with this framework right away. This updated edition also covers Laravel Dusk and Horizon and provides information about community resources and other noncore Laravel packages.

Dive into features, including:

Blade, Laravel’s powerful custom templating tool
Tools for gathering, validating, normalizing, and filtering user-provideddata
The Eloquent ORM for working with application databases
The role of the Illuminate request object in the application lifecycle
PHPUnit, Mockery, and Dusk for testing your PHP code
Tools for writing JSON and RESTful APIs
Interfaces for filesystem access, sessions, cookies, caches, and search
Tools for implementing queues, jobs, events, and WebSocket event publishing

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PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

It takes a powerful suite of technologies to drive the most-visited websites in the world. PHP, mySQL, JavaScript, and other web-building languages serve as the foundation for application development and programming projects at all levels of the web.

Dig into this all-in-one book to get a grasp on these in-demand skills, and figure out how to apply them to become a professional web builder. You’ll get valuable information from seven handy books covering the pieces of web programming, HTML5 & CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, creating object-oriented programs, and using PHP frameworks.

Helps you grasp the technologies that power web applications
Covers PHP version 7.2
Includes coverage of the latest updates in web development
Perfect for developers to use to solve problems
This book is ideal for the inexperienced programmer interested in adding these skills to their toolbox. New coders who’ve made it through an online course or boot camp will also find great value in how this book builds on what you already know.

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The Joy of PHP: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL

The Joy of PHP: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL

How to program interactive web applications with PHP and mySQL– even if you’ve never programmed before

Have you ever wanted to design your own website or browser application but thought it would be too difficult or maybe you didn’t know where to start? Have you found the amount of information on the Internet either too overwhelming or not geared for your skill set or worse– just plain boring? Are you interested in learning to program PHP and have some fun along the way? If so, then The Joy of PHP by Alan Forbes is the book for you!!

** 6th Edition – Revised and Updated July 2020 **

PHP Beginners: Start Here

Alan starts with basic HTML so the absolute beginner can catch up quickly and then goes step by step on how PHP works. You start with the easy stuff–like how to create and run simple PHP scripts that modify web pages– and then build on what you’ve learned through a series of cohesive (and fun) exercises that carry over from lesson to lesson.

As the chapters progress you begin to build a web site for a growing used car dealership business. This approach keeps the material fun and challenging– and gives what you’ve learned a context to be relevant. A car dealership needs a constantly changing web site because the inventory of cars is always changing. HTML is not the answer for this kind of web site– but PHP and mySQL is a great fit.

Throughout the book you will be working with the web site for the car dealership and adding features and modifying it as the needs of the business (and your knowledge) grow. This writing style reinforces the previous lessons and keeps you engaged in a “real” project — giving you both a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned to a realistic scenario. You are far more likely to retain what you’ve learned using this approach than just reading dry syntax documentation.

The author has an easy and fun style of writing that teaches you PHP in a simple, matter of fact manner while showing you the most common uses of the commands you need to get the job done. This keeps your learning pace quick and uncluttered. If you need it, he also points you to several resources where you can learn more about the other options a PHP function can offer and– even better–how to read and understand those resources.

If you want to learn the PHP language in an easy, enjoyable, well laid out manner and to learn why PHP and mySQL are so powerful and fun to use then buy this book!! Do not buy this book if you are looking for a comprehensive reference of boring PHP syntax.

This book does not attempt to cover everything about PHP. What it does do– and does well– is take you from being a beginner who isn’t even sure what PHP is to someone who knows the sheer joy that only programming dynamic sites can provide. You will become someone who can read, write, and modify PHP scripts and you will be able make your website come alive.

Source Code

All the source code referenced in the book is available for easy download from http://www.joyofphp.com and is well organized. You don’t have to retype code, unless you want to. This updated version even offers Docker images.

Topics Covered…

– Installing and configuring PHP
– Introduction to HTML
– Basic PHP Syntax
– Some Fun Right Away
– Editors and Staying Organized
– Variables, Numbers, Dates and Strings
– Control Structures
– How to use a database, such as mySQL
– Using PHP and mySQL Together
– How to create forms to Display, Add, Edit, and Delete data
– Session Variables
– Working with Images
– PHP File Uploads
– PHP Quirks and Tips
– Security Considerations

This book is NOT the only book you’ll ever need to master PHP. Rather, it’s a gentle introduction to a very rich topic. You’ll learn PHP isn’t really scary after all– it’s something YOU can do too, and even find joy in.

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Pro PHP 8 MVC: Model View Controller Architecture-Driven Application Development

Pro PHP 8 MVC: Model View Controller Architecture-Driven Application Development

Examine the building blocks that make any good MVC framework using PHP 8. This book exposes all the considerations that many developers take for granted when using a popular framework, and teaches you how to make this MVC framework your own.

You’ll quickly get started writing your first bit of framework code, then, you build a variety of examples using aspects of an MVC framework, including a router, a template engine, a database library, a persistence engine (ORM), and a testing framework. In the next section, you’ll implement sessions, caches, file systems, queues, logging, and mail. You’ll wrap up by building a larger scale sample web application: a sales website for a company that sells rockets.

Along the way, this book lays bare all the secret parts of MVC to take with you to apply to your own PHP-based MVC projects.

What You Will Learn

Build PHP-based web applications using the model view controller (MVC) architecture
Write your first bit of framework code
Compare the code you write with how the popular frameworks do the same kinds of things
Create various aspects of applications, engines, and other frameworks
Wrap up with a sample case study application
Who This Book Is For

Experienced PHP and web developers. Some prior experience with PHP and web development at least recommended.

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PHP: Learn PHP in One Day and Learn It Well. PHP for Beginners with Hands-on Project. (Learn Coding Fast with Hands-On Project Book 6)

PHP: Learn PHP in One Day and Learn It Well. PHP for Beginners with Hands-on Project. (Learn Coding Fast with Hands-On Project Book 6)

Learn PHP Fast and Learn It Well. Master PHP Programming with a unique Hands-On Project

New Book by Best Selling Author Jamie Chan. Book 6 of the Learn Coding Fast Series.

Do you want to learn PHP fast but are overwhelmed by all the information you find online? Or perhaps you have completed numerous PHP tutorials but are still unsure how everything works together.

This book is for you.

You no longer have to waste your time and money learning PHP from lengthy books, expensive online courses or fragmented PHP tutorials. This book covers all the major topics in PHP and is written in a concise and to the point manner. In addition, you’ll be guided through a project at the end of the book where you get to apply the concepts learned and see how it all ties together.

What this book offers…

PHP for Beginners

Complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master PHP even if you have never coded before. Concepts are presented in a “to-the-point” style to cater to the busy individual; no fluff or unnecessary details.

Careful selection of topics

Topics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to PHP. These topics include HTML form handling, security management (prevention of XSS and SQL injection), object-oriented programming, error and exception handling techniques, databases and more.

Carefully Chosen PHP Examples

Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, the output for all examples is provided immediately so you do not have to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples.

How is this book different…

The best way to learn programming is by doing. This book includes a complete project at the end of the book where you get to build a mini-blog using PHP and MySQL.

Working through the project gives you a chance to see how everything works together, including how to set up your servers, create a database, connect to it, process forms, manage security issues, handle errors and exceptions and more. Completing the project will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it’ll also help you retain the knowledge you’ve learned and master the language.

Are you ready to dip your toes into the exciting world of PHP coding? This book is for you. Click the BUY button and download it now.


Note that this book requires basic knowledge of HTML and SQL.

What you’ll learn:

– What is PHP
– What software do you need to run PHP scripts
– How to set up your own server
– What are constants, variables and operators
– What are the common data types in PHP
– How to control the flow of your PHP program using If statements, while loops etc
– How to use numerous built-in functions in PHP
– How to define your own functions
– What is a cookie and session and how to use them
– How to process HTML forms using the get and post methods
– How to prevent attacks on your site
– What is OOP and inheritance
– How to connect to a database
– How to handle errors and exceptions
.. and more…

Finally, you’ll be guided through a hands-on project that requires the application of all the topics covered.

Click the BUY button and download the book now to start learning PHP. Learn it fast and learn it well.

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The Joy of PHP: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL

Price : $4.83 Book Purchase link :https://www.amazon.com/Joy-PHP-Programming-Interactive-Applications-ebook/dp/B00BALXN70 How to program interactive web applications with PHP and mySQL-- even if you've never programmed before Have you ever wanted to design your own website or browser application but thought it would be too difficult or maybe you didn't know where to start? Have you found the amount of information on the Internet ...
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React Native for Mobile Development: Harness the Power of React Native to Create Stunning iOS and Android Applications

Book Purchase Link : https://www.amazon.com/React-Native-Mobile-Development-Applications/dp/1484244532 Book Description Develop native iOS and Android apps with ease using React Native. Learn by doing through an example-driven approach, and have a substantial running app at the end of each chapter. This second edition is fully updated to include ES7 (ECMAScript 7), the latest version of React Native (including Redux), and development on Android ...
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React Native Cookbook: Recipes for solving common React Native development problems

Book Purchase Link : https://www.amazon.com/React-Native-Cookbook-Industry-Development-ebook/dp/B079TVH9C3 Book Description If you are a developer looking to create mobile applications with maximized code reusability and minimized cost, React Native is what you need. With this practical guide, you’ll be able to build attractive UIs, tackle common problems in mobile development, and achieve improved performance in mobile environments.This book starts by covering the common ...
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