Hello everyone! Today, I am going to teach you how to create a React Navbar Dropdown Menu Responsive. This tutorial follows my YouTube tutorial(CodeAT21) and GitHub repository full source code. please follow if it helps.
React is single-page applications (SPAs) that are rendered on the client-side. React is not a framework, It is a popular library.
React Router is the most popular routing library for React apps.
For example, we can use react router to connect localhost:3000/ to localhost:3000/About to localhost:3000/Shop and localhost:3000/Contact.
How do I use it?
First, You will start a Create New React App project using create-react-app. It is creates and runs the following code snippet in the windows terminal command line.
npx create-react-app navigation-app
cd navigation-app
react-router-dom: use npm to install the package. so open your terminal and type.
npm install react-router-dom
Next, The npm package manager is install react-icons
npm install react-icons --save
Next, Project structure your folder as follows.
├── components
| └── menu
| └── Navbarmenu.js
| ├── Home.js
| ├── About.js
| ├── Online.js
| ├── Offline.js
| └── Contact.js
├── App.css
├── App.js
├── App.test.js
├── img
| └── logo.png
├── index.css
├── index.js
├── reportWebVitals.js
└── setupTests.js
The Router Component
In my example, we will create four components called Home, About, Shop, and Contact. So, let’s import the BrowserRouter, Route, and Switch component from the react-router-dom package
App.jsimport React, { Component } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; <Router basename="/"> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Home}/> <Route path="/About" component={About}/> <Route path="/Online" component={Online}/> <Route path="/Offline" component={Offline}/> <Route path="/Contact" component={Contact}/> </Switch> </Router>
Add <Router> and <Switch> element(open and closing tags) in your App component. This router component will do the redirections. The switch is only one component is rendered at a time. otherwise, we can default to called the Error component.
Next, Add <Route> tags. Route tags should be placed inside the <Switch> tags. Maximum all websites home page URLs followed by “/”, for example, localhost:3000/ (or) www.codeat21.com/. In this case, a user types an incorrect URL called Error component(Page not found!).
Navbarmenu.jsimport React from 'react'; import {NavLink} from 'react-router-dom'; function Navbarmenu() { return( <header> <nav> <ul> <li><NavLink to={`/`}> Home </NavLink> </li> <li><NavLink to={`/About`}> About </NavLink> </li> <li> Shop <ul> <li><NavLink to={`/Online`}> Online </NavLink> </li> <li><NavLink to={`/Offline`}> Offline </NavLink> </li> </ul> </li> <li><NavLink to={`/Contact`}> Contact </NavLink> </li> </ul> </nav> </header> ); } export default Navbarmenu;
The <NavLink> component the same as the <Link> component. The <NavLink> component is used to create links to different routes. It works like HTML anchor tags.
App.jsimport React from 'react'; import {BrowserRouter as Router,Switch,Route} from "react-router-dom"; import './App.css'; import Home from './components/Home'; import About from './components/About'; import Online from './components/Online'; import Offline from './components/Offline'; import Contact from './components/Contact'; import Navbarmenu from './components/menu/Navbarmenu'; function App() { return ( <div> <Router basename="/"> {/* Add Menu Component */} <Navbarmenu /> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Home}/> <Route path="/About" component={About}/> <Route path="/Online" component={Online}/> <Route path="/Offline" component={Offline}/> <Route path="/Contact" component={Contact}/> </Switch> </Router> </div> ); } export default App;
Navbarmenu.jsimport React,{useState} from 'react'; import {NavLink, Link} from 'react-router-dom'; import {FiAlignRight,FiXCircle,FiChevronDown } from "react-icons/fi"; import logo from '../../img/logo.png'; const Navbarmenu = () => { const [isMenu, setisMenu] = useState(false); const [isResponsiveclose, setResponsiveclose] = useState(false); const toggleClass = () => { setisMenu(isMenu === false ? true : false); setResponsiveclose(isResponsiveclose === false ? true : false); }; let boxClass = ["main-menu menu-right menuq1"]; if(isMenu) { boxClass.push('menuq2'); }else{ boxClass.push(''); } const [isMenuSubMenu, setMenuSubMenu] = useState(false); const toggleSubmenu = () => { setMenuSubMenu(isMenuSubMenu === false ? true : false); }; let boxClassSubMenu = ["sub__menus"]; if(isMenuSubMenu) { boxClassSubMenu.push('sub__menus__Active'); }else { boxClassSubMenu.push(''); } return ( <header className="header__middle"> <div className="container"> <div className="row"> {/* Add Logo */} <div className="header__middle__logo"> <NavLink exact activeClassName='is-active' to="/"> <img src={logo} alt="logo" /> </NavLink> </div> <div className="header__middle__menus"> <nav className="main-nav " > {/* Responsive Menu Button */} {isResponsiveclose === true ? <> <span className="menubar__button" style={{ display: 'none' }} onClick={toggleClass} > <FiXCircle /> </span> </> : <> <span className="menubar__button" style={{ display: 'none' }} onClick={toggleClass} > <FiAlignRight /> </span> </>} <ul className={boxClass.join(' ')}> <li className="menu-item" > <NavLink exact activeClassName='is-active' onClick={toggleClass} to={`/`}> Home </NavLink> </li> <li className="menu-item " ><NavLink onClick={toggleClass} activeClassName='is-active' to={`/About`}> About </NavLink> </li> <li onClick={toggleSubmenu} className="menu-item sub__menus__arrows" > <Link to="#"> Shop <FiChevronDown /> </Link> <ul className={boxClassSubMenu.join(' ')} > <li> <NavLink onClick={toggleClass} activeClassName='is-active' to={`/Online`}> Online Shop </NavLink> </li> <li><NavLink onClick={toggleClass} activeClassName='is-active' to={`/Offline`}> Offline Shop </NavLink> </li> </ul> </li> <li className="menu-item " ><NavLink onClick={toggleClass} activeClassName='is-active' to={`/Contact`}> Contact </NavLink> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </header> ) } export default Navbarmenu